• Admissions


Important Notices

    Updated information about Entrance Examination Guide for 2025(Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Faculty List.
    Information of 'open house' is now available.
    (2025 Regular Admission)Detailed Information on the 2025 Admission examination [conducted in 2024] is now available.
    Information on 'briefing Session (3rd, Tue 23 April)' for the 2025 Admission Examination[conducted in 2024] and 'open house' is now available.
    (2025 Regular Admission -④)Information on 'Special Oral Examination' and 'briefing Session (2nd, Wed 14 Feb)' for the 2025 Admission Examination[conducted in 2024] is now available.
    ( 2025 Regular Admission -③)Video of the first information briefing for the 2025 Admission Examination [conducted in 2024] is now available.
    (2024 Regular Admission ) Schedule B of the 2024 Entrance Examination [conducted in 2023] for the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been updated.
    (2025 Regular Admission -②)Information on "Special Oral Examination " and " briefing session " for the 2025 Admission Examination [conducted in 2024] is now available.
    (2025 Regular Admission -①)Information on changes to the 2025 Admission examination [conducted in 2024] is now available.
    Information regarding the oral examination in "Mechanical Engineering" for the doctoral program is now available. PDF


Contact Prof. YANAGIMOTO Jun (Department Chief for Graduate School) by e-mail.(jun.52074.yanagimoto@cem. *)
* with "t.u-tokyo.ac.jp".

International Admission

  • Please visit the Graduate School of Engineering website. [Link]
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering accepts international students in the International Multidisciplinary Engineering (IME) Graduate Program. [Link]
  • Regular Admission

  • Please visit the Graduate School of Engineering website. [Link]
  • For information on briefings for the 2025 admissions examination [conducted in 2024], please see the “Briefing Sessions and Open House of Graduate School Regular Admission for 2025” at the bottom of this page.
  • Download Documents

  • Information of laboratories in the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) (Update 2024/4/30)
  • Changes in the 2025 Admission Examination [conducted in 2024]. (Update 2023/5/10)
  • About "Special Oral Examination“ ( Update 2023/10/7 )
  • (References)Download the 2025 Regular Admission Documents

    ※ Please also refer to the information of "Application Guidelines" and "Notice regarding Foreign Language (English) Examinations" in 「Prospective Student(Regular Admission)」.

    Briefing Sessions and Open House of Graduate School Regular Admission for 2025

    Briefing Sessions of Entrance Examination


    1st briefing session

    ■  Click here to watch the video of the 1st briefing session. ■

    • Date  :Monday, October 23, 2023, from 5:00 p.m.
      Venue :Engineering Bldg. 2, Lecture Room 221 and online
        Meeting ID: 861 1707 5129   
         Passcode: 726551
      Contents  :About "Special Oral Examination“
      Materials  :About "Special Oral Examination“

    2nd briefing session

    • Date  :Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
      Venue :Engineering Bldg. 2, Lecture Room 221 and online
        Meeting ID: 892 3552 0539   
         Passcode: 597675
      Contents  :About "Special Oral Examination“
      Materials  :About "Special Oral Examination“

    3rd briefing session

    • Date  :Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 6:45 p.m.
      Venue :Engineering Bldg. 2, Lecture Room 221 and online
      Note: Online participants must pre-register using the form below. A ZOOM link will appear after your response. 〈https://forms.gle/xU1HyFwxiA4onK3n9〉
      Pre-registration is not required for on-site participants.

    Open House

    • Date  :Saturday, May 11, 2024
      The Hongo laboratory will be open to the public on site, and a panel display of the Institute of Industrial Science faculty's research will be held. Details will be posted at a later date.
  • The Hongo laboratory open for the public on site, and a panel display of the Institute of Industrial Science faculty's research have been done.

  • ●Open House●
  • Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 13:30~15:30
    Place: Hongo Campus, Faculty of Engineering Bldg.2 and 8

  • ●panel display of the IIS●
  • Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 13:00~16:00
    Place: Hongo Campus, Faculty of Engineering Bldg.2 1F Room 13BC

  • ]

    Materials for past regular admission

    Mechanical Engineering (Part1)

    Mechanical Engineering (Part2)

    Written Examination (Integrated M.S./ Ph.D. Course)

    Written Examination (Doctoral Course)