- Thesis defense
Doctoral Dissertation Review Information
SHEN Jiaxing:Influence of surface nano/micro-structures on oscillatory droplet contact line(振動液滴接触線への表面ナノ・マイクロ構造の影響)
- name
- SHEN Jiaxing
- title
- Influence of surface nano/micro-structures on oscillatory droplet contact line(振動液滴接触線への表面ナノ・マイクロ構造の影響)
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
5 November 2024, from 10.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31A
- chief-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro
- assistant-investigator
Prof.TAKAGI Shu, Lecturer MOUTERDE Timothee, Prof.TAGAWA Yoshiyuki,Vice-Chancellor AMBERG Gustav
- remarks
Only members of our university can observe the exam.
DING Wenyang:Controllability of mode-resolved phonon heat conduction through 2D heterostructure(2次元ヘテロ構造によるモード分解を考慮したフォノン熱伝導の制御)
- name
- DING Wenyang
- title
- Controllability of mode-resolved phonon heat conduction through 2D heterostructure(2次元ヘテロ構造によるモード分解を考慮したフォノン熱伝導の制御)
- type
- exam
- date time
22 October 2024, from 17.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 9, 6th floor, Small Conference Room
- chief-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro
- assistant-investigator
Prof.MARUYAMA Shigeo, Prof.MACHIDA Tomoki, Director VOLZ Sebastian, Lecturer LEE Yaerim
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least two days before the date of the examination. E-mail address:hisho@photon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
山田 和佳:新奇な製品に対するユーザの理解が成立するための気づきプロセスのモデリングとリアルタイム評価
- name
- 山田 和佳
- title
- 新奇な製品に対するユーザの理解が成立するための気づきプロセスのモデリングとリアルタイム評価
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
1 time:
5 Nov. 10:00-12:00
2 time: 11 Nov. 13:30-15:30
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 310
- chief-investigator
Assoc.Prof. NAGATO Keisuke
- assistant-investigator
Prof. MURAKAMI Tamotsu, Assoc.Prof. YANAGISAWA Hideyoshi, Prof. UMEDA Yasushi, Prof. KUZUOKA Hideaki, Emeritus Prof. HARADA Etsuko
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: nagato@hnl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
下村 勇貴:高温bcc相(構造)を持つ二相合金の熱間流動応力
- name
- 下村 勇貴
- title
- 高温bcc相(構造)を持つ二相合金の熱間流動応力
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
September 25, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 309
- chief-investigator
- assistant-investigator
Professor YOSHIKAWA Nobuhiro, Professor IZUMI Satoshi, Associate Professor NAMBU Shoichi, Associate Professor NAGATO Keisuke
- remarks
If you wish to attend, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day in advance. jun.52074.yanagimoto@cem.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
田中 峻 (TANAKA Shun):大規模機上計測による工作機械の温度感受性の解明および熱変位補正に関する研究
- name
- 田中 峻 (TANAKA Shun)
- title
- 大規模機上計測による工作機械の温度感受性の解明および熱変位補正に関する研究
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
18th October 2024, from 15.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 310
- chief-investigator
Prof.SUGITA Naohiko
- assistant-investigator
Prof. YANAGIMOTO Jun, Prof. YOSHIOKA Hayato, Prof. CHIASHI Shohei, Prof. KAKINUMA Yasuhiro
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: sugi@mfg.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- name
- 宮崎桜子
- title
- アモルファスSiOCNの構造が弾性率と誘電率に与える影響:深層学習型汎用ポテンシャルを用いた分子動力学解析
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
5 November 2024, from 16.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 310
- chief-investigator
Prof. IZUMI Satoshi
- assistant-investigator
Prof. YANAGIMOTO Jun, Prof. YOSHIKAWA Nobuhiro, Prof. UMENO Yoshitaka, Prof. SHIBUTA Yasushi
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: izumi@fml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
趙 恩鐸(ZHAO Enduo):バイオメディカル応用のための深層学習を用いた適応型自律ロボット・ドリリング・システム(Adaptive Autonomous Robotic Drilling System using Deep Learning for Biomedical Applications)
- name
- 趙 恩鐸(ZHAO Enduo)
- title
- バイオメディカル応用のための深層学習を用いた適応型自律ロボット・ドリリング・システム(Adaptive Autonomous Robotic Drilling System using Deep Learning for Biomedical Applications)
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
9 October 2024, from 10.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 309
- chief-investigator
Assoc.Prof.HARADA Kanako
- assistant-investigator
Prof.ARAI Fumihito, Assoc.Prof.YAMAKAWA Yuji, Prof.YAMASHITA Atsushi, Assoc.Prof.OSA Takayuki
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: sec-harada-lab@googlegroups.com
Shuzhang LIANG:Automatic manipulation of multiple single cells by a robotic manipulator with a microfluidic chip(マイクロ流体チップを搭載したロボットマニピュレータによる複数の単一細胞の自動操作)
- name
- Shuzhang LIANG
- title
- Automatic manipulation of multiple single cells by a robotic manipulator with a microfluidic chip(マイクロ流体チップを搭載したロボットマニピュレータによる複数の単一細胞の自動操作)
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
7 October 2024, from 16.30 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31A
- chief-investigator
Prof. ARAI Fumihito
- assistant-investigator
Prof. YOSHIOKA Hayato, Associate Prof. OANA Hidehiro, Associate Prof. YAMAKAWA Yuji, Prof. OKADA Kei
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: arai-fumihito@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- name
- 永廣怜平
- title
- 多結晶シリコンの界面熱抵抗と熱電特性
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
11 October 2024, from 16.00 hrs. to 18.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31B
- chief-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro
- assistant-investigator
Prof.SUZUKI Yuji, Lecturer.LEE Yaerim, Prof.NOMURA Masahiro, Assistant Research Engineer MORI Takao
- remarks
Only members of our university can observe the exam.
- name
- 森田路真
- title
- 薄膜熱伝導における表面構造・組成の影響
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
25 October 2024, from 15.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31B
- chief-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro
- assistant-investigator
Associate Prof.KINEFUCHI Ikuya, Associate Prof.YAMADA Takayuki, Group leader TADANO Terumasa, Assistant Research Engineer SHIGA Takuma
- remarks
Only members of our university can observe the exam.
- name
- 濱川登夢
- title
- 分子動力学計算を用いた高拡散性固体材料の熱伝導解析
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
18 October 2024, from 16.00 hrs. to 18.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31B
- chief-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro
- assistant-investigator
Professor MARUYAMA Shigeo, Associate Professor KINEFUCHI Ikuya, Associate Professor KIKUGAWA Gota, Assistant Research Engineer SHIGA Takuma
- remarks
Only members of our university can observe the exam.
- name
- 米津真之介
- title
- 3次元高速振動/低速移動対象に対する高速高精度追跡による実時間鮮明画像取得
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
1 time:
10 October 2024, from 10.00 hrs.
2 time: 15 October 2024, from 10.00 hrs.
- place
1 time:
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31B-Seminar
2 time: Institute of Industrial Science, As305
- chief-investigator
Associate Prof. YAMAKAWA Yuji
- assistant-investigator
Prof. ARAI Fumihito, Prof. NAKANO Kimihiko, Prof. YAMASAKI Yudai, Project Lecturer ASANO Yuki
王 瑫涵(WANG Taohan):Real-time Tracking of Deformable Object With Integration Technology of Model-based Statistical Processing and Machine Learning-based Image Processing(モデルベース統計処理と機械学習ベース画像処理の統合技術による柔軟物の実時間追跡)
- name
- 王 瑫涵(WANG Taohan)
- title
- Real-time Tracking of Deformable Object With Integration Technology of Model-based Statistical Processing and Machine Learning-based Image Processing(モデルベース統計処理と機械学習ベース画像処理の統合技術による柔軟物の実時間追跡)
- type
- exam
- date time
30 July 2024, from 9.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, 31A会議室
- chief-investigator
Assosiate Prof. Yamakawa
- assistant-investigator
Prof. Arai, Prof. Nakano, Prof. Okada, Project Lecturer Asano
崔金月 (Jinyue CUI):Comprehensive Analyses of Green Hydrogen Energy Systems from Thermodynamics to Economic Viability(熱力学および経済性を含めた包括的グリーン水素エネルギーシステムの解析)
- name
- 崔金月 (Jinyue CUI)
- title
- Comprehensive Analyses of Green Hydrogen Energy Systems from Thermodynamics to Economic Viability(熱力学および経済性を含めた包括的グリーン水素エネルギーシステムの解析)
- type
- exam
- date time
July 31, 2024
- place
Institute of Industrial Science An-406 and Zoom
- chief-investigator
Associate Professor Muhammad AZIZ
- assistant-investigator
Professor Naoki SHIKAZONO, Professor Hirofumi DAIGUJI, Associate Professor Ikuya KINEFUCHI, Professor Yasunori KIKUCHI
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: maziz@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
胡 清梅 (HU QINGMEI):Role of iron-cobalt binary metal catalyst for the growth of single-walled CNT (単層CNT成長における鉄-コバルト2元系金属触媒の役割)
- name
- 胡 清梅 (HU QINGMEI)
- title
- Role of iron-cobalt binary metal catalyst for the growth of single-walled CNT (単層CNT成長における鉄-コバルト2元系金属触媒の役割)
- type
- exam
- date time
29 JULY 2024, from 15.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31B
- chief-investigator
Prof.MARUYAMA Shigeo
- assistant-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro, Prof.NAGASHIO Kosuke, Associate Prof.CHIASHI Shohei, Prof.XIANG Rong
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: secretary@photon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
楊 春霞 (YANG CHUNXIA):Growth and characterization of Janus MoSSe nanotubes on SWCNT-BNNT heterostructures (SWCNT-BNNTヘテロ構造上のJanus MoSSeナノチューブの成長と評価)
- name
- title
- Growth and characterization of Janus MoSSe nanotubes on SWCNT-BNNT heterostructures (SWCNT-BNNTヘテロ構造上のJanus MoSSeナノチューブの成長と評価)
- type
- exam
- date time
24 JULY 2024, from 18.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 31A
- chief-investigator
Prof.MARUYAMA Shigeo
- assistant-investigator
Prof.SHIOMI Junichiro, Prof.NAGASHIO Kosuke, Associate Prof.CHIASHI Shohei, Prof.IKUHARA Yuichi, Prof.XIANG Rong
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: secretary@photon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
徐 騫 (HSU Chien):Ion transport in ultrathin nanopores with application to biomolecule sensing(極薄ナノポアにおけるイオン輸送現象および生体分子センシングへの応用)
- name
- 徐 騫 (HSU Chien)
- title
- Ion transport in ultrathin nanopores with application to biomolecule sensing(極薄ナノポアにおけるイオン輸送現象および生体分子センシングへの応用)
- type
- exam
- date time
24 July 2024, from 14.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 309
- chief-investigator
Associate Prof.HSU Wei Lun
- assistant-investigator
Prof.DAIGUJI Hirofumi,Associate Prof.KINEFUCHI Ikuya,Lecturer MOUTERDE Timothee,Associate Prof.TSUTSUI Makusu
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation. E-mail address:wlhsu@thml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
李 俊彦(LEE Chun-Yen):DNA translocation in high crystallinity monolayer molybdenum disulfide nanopores(高結晶性単層二硫化モリブデンナノポアにおけるDNA分子の通過速度に関する研究)
- name
- 李 俊彦(LEE Chun-Yen)
- title
- DNA translocation in high crystallinity monolayer molybdenum disulfide nanopores(高結晶性単層二硫化モリブデンナノポアにおけるDNA分子の通過速度に関する研究)
- type
- exam
- date time
9 July 2024, from 15.00 hrs.
- place
Engineering Bldg. 2, Room 309
- chief-investigator
Associate Prof.HSU Wei Lun
- assistant-investigator
Prof.MARUYAMA Shigeo,Prof.DAIGUJI Hirofumi,Associate Prof.OANA Hidehiro,Prof.TUNG Vincent
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation. E-mail address:wlhsu@thml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
牛 啟舟(NIU Qizhou):随伴解析に基づく対流伝熱面のトポロジー最適化に関する研究(Investigation of Adjoint-based topology optimization of convective heat transfer surfaces)
- name
- 牛 啟舟(NIU Qizhou)
- title
- 随伴解析に基づく対流伝熱面のトポロジー最適化に関する研究(Investigation of Adjoint-based topology optimization of convective heat transfer surfaces)
- type
- exam
- date time
1 August 2024, from 16.00 hrs.
- place
Institute of Industrial Science Dw404 and Zoom
- chief-investigator
Prof.HASEGAWA Yosuke
- assistant-investigator
Prof.SHIKAZONO Naoki, Assoc.prof.YAMADA Takayuki, Lecturer SCIAZKO Anna, Prof.Stroh Alexander
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: ysk@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
肖 遥(XIAO Yao):限られた計測情報に基づく複雑乱流場の推定に関する研究(Investigation of Estimation of complex turbulent flows based on limited measurement data)
- name
- 肖 遥(XIAO Yao)
- title
- 限られた計測情報に基づく複雑乱流場の推定に関する研究(Investigation of Estimation of complex turbulent flows based on limited measurement data)
- type
- exam
- date time
26 July 2024, from 10.30hrs.
- place
Institute of Industrial Science Dw404 and Zoom
- chief-investigator
Prof.HASEGAWA Yosuke
- assistant-investigator
Prof.TAKAGI Shu, Assoc.prof.KINEFUCHI Ikuya, Prof.HAMBA Fujihiro, Prof.NONOMURA Taku
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address:ysk@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp