- Thesis defense
Doctoral Dissertation Review Information
陳 牧心 (CHEN Mu-Hsin):高Q値共振メタサーフェスに基づく指向性および偏光の制御が可能なマイクロレーザーの設計と製作 (Design and fabrication of microlasers with controllable directions and polarization based on high-quality-factor resonant metasurface)
- name
- 陳 牧心 (CHEN Mu-Hsin)
- title
- 高Q値共振メタサーフェスに基づく指向性および偏光の制御が可能なマイクロレーザーの設計と製作 (Design and fabrication of microlasers with controllable directions and polarization based on high-quality-factor resonant metasurface)
- type
- pre-exam
- date time
9 May 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00
- chief-investigator
Assoc.Prof.DELAUNAY Jean-Jacques
- assistant-investigator
Prof.DAIGUJI Hirofumi, Assoc.Prof.CHIASHI Shohei, Prof.TABATA Hitoshi, Prof.CHOI Junho (Tokyo City Univ.)
- remarks
If you wish to observe the examination, please inform us of your name and affiliation at least one day before the date of the examination. E-mail address: jean@mech.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp