Mechatronics Exercise

Best Performance Award


Team No.8 大平和季/角川龍輝/神谷優里/鬼頭壮平
Snowy was enjoying time with his family above the clouds. However, on a stormy day, someone fell from the clouds! Now, Snowy needs ten balloons scattered across the first, second, and third floors to fly back home. Group 8, known as the Ballooooney Corps, is tasked with collecting these balloons in the snow! The higher we ascend, the more balloons we gather and the larger they become, making them easier to pop. Can we safely deliver the balloons to Snowy, who is eagerly waiting on the 4th floor?

Mechatronic Slide Quest

Team No.14 鈴木めい/福岡直也/阿部隆史/本多詩聞
We've brought the board game Slide Quest online. Customize your experience by changing the board, allowing you to select the difficulty level and course content. Play it anywhere with your smartphone!

outstanding performance award

Run, Reindeer 2.0- "Special Christmas" this winter

Team No.11 田中仁樹/田辺裕朗/寺島玄/寺尾望
Even Santa Claus has become a target for avoiding the three Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings), and Santa won't be able to deliver presents. We have developed a four-legged robot with the strength of four reindeer to help Santa.

Pythagorean Switch ~The Door that Seems to Lead Anywhere~

Team No.7
Choose a marble in your favorite color, roll it down the rail, and watch as another one in the same color pops out from a different door!

Online Jamming Golf

Team No.9
Online Jamming Golf is a novel 2v2 game combining golf and online play for a fresh gaming experience. This creation is designed to fulfill your longing for remote golf enjoyment with someone!

Rolling Labyrinth

Team No.10 鷹取良季/滝口友樹/竹内智一/田中恵祥
Two teams compete in two stages, and victory goes to the team with the shorter total time! Use your strategic thinking and physical prowess to navigate the maze, getting the ball out of it as quickly as possible!

Gradually Strange Commute to School

Team No.15 升野綾子/丸岡俊介/森国央/ユギョンフン